Cone Penetration Testing
The modern electric piezocone penetrometer (CPTu) sets the standard for geotechnical and geoenvironmental soil characterization.
in-situ Testing
ConeTec operates a suite of accurate tools to directly measure the properties of soils in their natural condition.
High-Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC) uses direct push in-situ testing technologies to collect various soil parameters while profiling the nature and extent of contamination.
Drilling and sampling
ConeTec offers a wide variety of truck and track mounted drill rigs equipped with modern safety and efficiency features for all drilling methods.
geophysical Testing
ConeTec specializes in geophysics for geotechnical engineers. Geophysical profiling and imaging in advance of invasive site investigation techniques assists in the targeting of problematic soils. Measuring shear and compression wave velocities in soil and rock provides additional information for geotechnical design.
data reporting
ConeTec’s data reporting is the end result of a rigorous QA/QC program. Our data reports are complete and accurate, delivered on time, and tailored to the specifics of your project. All reports are delivered through ConeTec Data Services (CDS).
CDS is the web portal to ConeTec’s 3D geospatial data management system. CDS provides data reporting, archiving, 3D visualization, detailed analysis, design tools, and remote instrumentation monitoring, along with other features.
instrumentation and monitoring
A complete site characterization includes the installation and monitoring of geotechnical instrumentation. ConeTec installs a wide range of instrumentation, and offers a robust, reliable, and efficient cloud based VEGA data logger to monitor instruments in real time.