In addition to conventional groundwater monitoring wells, ConeTec offers direct push in-situ groundwater sampling systems including the Hydropunch Sampler and the Waterloo Profiler. Direct push permanent or temporary well installations may also be installed using CPT deployment equipment.
The Hydropunch uses a screen protected during installation, and then exposed at a discrete depth
Stainless steel or plastic screen
Bailer or peristaltic pump to obtain the sample
Retrieved and decontaminated between depths
The Waterloo profiler injects distilled water during installation, then reverses the flow at the target depth
Stainless steel construction
1/4 tubing used to inject and pump water using a peristaltic pump
Immediately advanced to next interval
Direct Push Well Installations
Similar to hydropunch for installation
Screens may have a pre-packed sand filter, a foam bridge, and a pre-packed bentonite annualar seal above the screen
Temporary or permanent installations, 3/4 -2 inches in diameter
Typically the CPTu test is used to identify target strata in advance of sampling