Electric Vane Shear Testing

The most accurate and repeatable vane shear testing system on the market, incorporating electric torque load cells and precisely controlled rotation motors to deliver a high-quality stress-strain soil response to the vane shear test.

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PiezoVane Shear Testing


The variable rate piezometer vane system (VR-eVSTu) is a prototype instrument developed by ConeTec. Designed for use in tailings and natural soils, this system uses ConeTec's digital vane shear testing equipment with a new innovative load cell and a specially designed vane blade

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ConeTec operates several pressuremeter testing (PMT) systems. The pressuremeter is used to measure in-situ strength and stress-strain properties of soil and rock.

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Flat Plate Dilatometer

The DMT and SDMT test is a popular and widely accepted push-in pneumatically controlled strain test to determine in-situ soil properties. With the addition of a geophone module, shear wave velocity may also be measured.

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Instrumented Becker Penetration Test

The iBPT is an instrumented large diameter penetration test to assess the in-situ properties and liquefaction potential of gravels, cobbles and rock fill.

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